About Me


Like many people in my small town in Illinois I was on "a track" after high school.  I went to college, got married, and started a family shortly after.  My husband was a busy professional, so I managed the household duties and the ever-changing responsibilities of raising three children. I loved my work and prided myself on being a super human wife and mother.  


Then, one by one, the three beautiful humans that I felt honored to call my children, grew up and went to college. Imagine that!


Around this same time the problems in my marriage began to escalate, and within a few years, we decided to divorce.  After 20 years of identifying as a wife and mother, I was devastated.


So, I started looking for help.


I looked everywhere for "the one thing" that would help me move through the pain and loss I was feeling.  From painting classes to ballroom dancing with a cute, but half my age instructor, I was acutely aware that I was grasping for meaning and falling short.


The answer for me was not found in taking on new hobbies.  What I really needed to do was to restore my spirit, mend my heart, and find joy in living my life as it had become.  Somewhat fortuitously, I enrolled in St. Catherine's Holistic Health Studies Graduate Program.  For the first time, I learned about the mind-body connection and holistic care practices. This empowering and spiritual education inspired me to consciously interact with my health and well-being.


My energy healing coursework showed me how profoundly transformative it was to give and receive the gentle touch techniques of Reiki and Healing Touch and I began noticing that I was feeling stronger, wiser and more optimistic about my future.


I realized I wanted to share this powerful access to personal and spiritual transformation so I began my private practice as a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and a Reiki Master in 2017. I currently offer distance healing sessions to private clients and through Pathways Healing Center.  I also lead Reiki trainings throughout the metro area that teach the Usui System of Natural Healing techniques and everyday tools for energy management, self-care and healing.  


I am grateful for the opportunity to hold space for each person's unique healing journey.  This deeply relaxing and nurturing work allows an individual to access their own innate healing wisdom and leave feeling grounded, empowered, and whole.



  • Holistic Health Studies Graduate Certificate,  St. Catherine University in St. Paul, MN
  • Certified Healing Touch Practitioner,  Healing  Beyond Borders
  • Reiki Master, Usui System of Natural Healing
  • Essential Oils for Bodyworkers,  CenterPoint Massage School in St. Louis Park, MN
  • Volunteer Energy Healing Practitioner, Pathways Crisis Healing Center in Minneapolis, MN
  • End-of-life Doula, International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA)




"What I enjoy most about my work is the transformation I see in my clients after their sessions. Time after time I work with people who arrive feeling stressed and overwhelmed and leave feeling like they just had a week's vacation!" - Liz Flavin



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